Development news
Proposed changes to the Kilnwood Vale school catchment area
Crest Nicholson request that residents take the time to review the County Council’s proposed catchment area changes to schools and respond to the County Council’s consultation which runs to 31st January 2020. Further detail is contained below.
On 16 December 2019 West Sussex County Council announced a consultation of school admission arrangements in 2021/2022. As part of the consultation the county council is proposing changes to the catchment areas for both primary and secondary school-aged children living in Kilnwood Vale.
Currently, Kilnwood Vale is part of the catchment area for Waterfield Primary School and Ifield Community College. In its proposal for school admission arrangements, the county council explains:
“The reason this decision was made was because families were moving into the Kilnwood Vale development before the proposed new Primary School was built and there were concerns that there would be insufficient capacity in Colgate Primary School to meet the demand for places within the catchment. The catchment area for secondary aged pupils was also changed to ensure continuity between primary and secondary schools. The intention was to review this arrangement once the new primary school was built on Kilnwood Vale.”
With Kilnwood Vale Primary School now open, we are pleased to announce that the catchment areas are being reviewed. The proposal states:
“The current admission arrangements for the school give priority to the children living on the Kilnwood Vale development whilst remaining in the catchment area for Waterfield Primary School. The proposal now is to create a separate catchment area for Kilnwood Vale Primary School and move the development back into the catchment area for Millais School/The Forest School for secondary aged pupils.
“Part of the decision to make these changes is the arrival of the new Bohunt Horsham School which opened in temporary accommodation in Hurst Road, Horsham in September 2019 but is scheduled to move into its new permanent building in 2021.”
Further information about the consultation can be found here
Hannah Bellamy, Associate Director – Development at Crest Nicholson Strategic Projects, added:
“The proposed changes to the catchment area for Kilnwood Vale is positive news for residents. The schools within the newly proposed catchment area are very well regarded and will complement the work GLF Schools are doing to build an exceptional learning environment at the new Kilnwood Vale Primary School.
“We would encourage all Kilnwood Vale residents to take part in the consultation and provide their feedback.”
Click here to take part in the consultation
Or email your responses to admissions.north@westsussex.gov.uk
The deadline for participation is 31 January 2020.
In their most recent Ofsted inspections, Millais School was rated outstanding, and The Forest School good. Kilnwood Vale Primary School, as it is very newly opened, has not yet had an Ofsted inspection but further information about the school can be found on its website: https://www.kilnwoodvaleschool.org/. The same applies to Bohunt Horsham School, with further information available here: https://www.bohunthorsham.com/
Colgate Parish Council Meeting Agenda
You can look at the agenda for the Colgate Parish council meeting to be held at the Colgate Village Hall on 8th April at 7.30pm. Here
Dear Residents,
Crest Nicholson Strategic will be undertaking works to the trees around the Phase 1D woodland area, please see the below update from their technical team regarding the works.
As the result of a recent site visit to Pondtail Shaw Woodland, Crest Nicholson have been advised by Horsham District Council’s Arboriculture Officer that the woodland Ash trees have been affected by Ash Dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus).
‘Ash Dieback’ is effectively a chronic fungal disease, whereby infected trees suffer leaf loss, crown dieback and eventual death. Ash Dieback is not treatable. The only solution to make the area safe is to remove the infected trees. The attached diagram indicates the extent and locations of the problem throughout the woodland.
We have consulted with our project Ecologist, Landscape Architect, Horsham District Council’s Arboriculture Officer and specialist contractors to ensure the works are completed in the most appropriate manner and to ensure the protection of other species and surrounding habitat. To mitigate the removal of the Ash, replacement planting with native species including Oak and Beech will be implemented as part of the wider improvement works which include implementation of new pathways within the woodland.
Unfortunately, due to the imminent bird nesting season the bulk of the works cannot take place until later in the year. However, we have appointed a Contractor to remove the infected trees along the boundary of Area D where there is a risk to properties and gardens. These works will commence on 11th February 2019 and will be completed within 3 weeks.
Until ALL of the infected trees are removed there remains a safety risk to any persons using the woodland and as such, we take this opportunity to advise that the woodland MUST NOT BE USED by anyone other than Crest Nicholson’s appointed contractors. As part of the forthcoming works, notices will be erected around the woodland boundary to reinforce this. We will notify you again once it is safe to use the woodland.
Whilst the need to undertake tree clearance and close the woodland has arisen due to circumstances outside of our control, we apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.
Please see a full plan of the proposed Ash clearance here
Streetlighting update
Dear Residents,
As you may be aware there are some problems with the streetlighting around the Kilnwood Vale development. Some of these issues have occurred recently, whilst others have been persisting for a longer period of time.
Due to the amount of issues reported around the entire development, Crest Nicholson Strategic Projects (CSP) arranged for engineers to attend site last week to undertake a review of the functionality of all of the streetlighting. Subsequently, the following issues were identified:
- The main spine road that passes through Phase 2.1 (Illet Way) has a missing section of cable and this has caused the connection issues. Repair works are now being scheduled in and should be completed within 2 -3 weeks. This job is with CSP, as the spine roads fall under their responsibility until they are adopted by the local highways authority.
- A number of street lighting columns in and around ‘The Green’ car park area have not been working. This is due to a connection fault. CSP have now been passed this to the developer of this phase, Crest Nicholson South, to repair and ensure the lights are functional.
- Preim have received numerous reports that there are issues with certain streetlights within Phase 1, especially around Brickyard Way and Kilnwood Close. These lights have now been identified as not having a connection and therefore have not worked since being installed. These lights are again the responsibility of Crest Nicholson South and they are in the process of undertaking remedial works to get these lights to function.
The majority of streetlights within Phase 1 will have a sticker on the column indicating that they are the responsibility of West Sussex County Council (WSCC). Faults on these lights can be reported directly to WSCC. Any streetlights that do not have stickers will then either be private streetlights managed by Preim on behalf of Kilnwood Vale Management Company Limited, or streetlights that have not yet been adopted by WSCC and are therefore still the responsibility of the developer. If residents are unsure who to contact in respect of a faulty streetlight, it can be reported to Preim via the Preim Helpdesk helpdesk@preim.co.uk. Preim can then confirm who should be repairing and maintaining the lights.
Development update from Preim
Dear Residents,
Please find below an update on a number of estate issues that Preim are aware of and are currently either resolving or will be undertaking works on in the near future.
Tree Survey & Tree Works
In July 2018 I met with an professional arboriculturalist who undertook a Tree Survey on Phase 1 for the Kilnwood Vale Management Company. At the same time they also surveyed Phase 1D and the trees situated on the Holmbush Estate land running near the rear of Calvert Link and the woodland fringes. Following receipt of the survey Preim then sought 3 quotations for the works, and we have selected a local contractor based in Horsham who came in at the most competitive price to undertake the works. These works will be scheduled in for either this month or early December, and Preim notify residents prior to the works being undertaken.
Fencing at Phase 1 Entrance
Following the high winds in previous weeks large sections of fencing have collapsed around the wild meadow area near the front of the development. I inspected the fencing on a site visit this week with a contractor and the main issue identified is that a number of the fence posts are rotten and have snapped off at the base of the post. This has now been referred back to Crest Nicholson Strategic Projects to establish if any guarantees are in place. Once responsibility has been established Preim will look to get the repairs undertaken as soon as possible.
Block Paving
Residents have reported issues with block paving on the common parts just off Calvert Link earlier in the year. Initially Preim referred the works back to Crest Nicholson South in order to establish if a guarantee is in place. In order to expedite matters Preim have arranged for a several contractors to attend site and provide quotations to complete the works. Preim are currently awaiting for approval from Crest Nicholson South for these works to proceed.
Re-planting around Phase 1
Please see the link to the pdf plan for Phase 1 of the KWV Development. Preim are currently arranging these replanting works which are scheduled to take place this year. The areas marked on the plan will be either be having new plants installed, having fresh top soil and bark mulch or having dead plants replaced. This will improve the appearance of certain shrub beds around the development, maintaining the high quality of the grounds at Kilnwood Vale.
Handover Phase 1D and Phase 2.1A
Preim, on behalf of the Kilnwood Vale Management Company, took handover for Phase 1D and Phase 2.1A in mid-October 2018. Plan for each of these areas can be found on the Preim website. These phases will now receive all of the budgeted maintenance services via the Management Company, including grounds maintenance. In the autumn and winter months the grounds maintenance will mainly consist of leaf and debris clearance, shrub maintenance and hedge maintenance. There are several outstanding defects which Preim identified on the external common parts in Phase 1D. Preim will be liaising with the developer to ensure these defects are rectified. An information letter will be issued to residents within the new phases.
Planters in the Neighbourhood Play Park
Crest Nicholson Strategic Projects have confirmed that new planters are being delivered to the play area within phase 1, and these will cover the square beds contained within the hard surfacing that were previously filled with gravel.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Preim at any time.
Kilnwood Vale Masterplan and associated documents can be found here.
Click here to view the latest Kilnwood Vale Master Plan
Reserve Land Update
Following two Public Consultations held in September 2017, Crest Nicholson have submitted an Outline Planning Application for the development of approximately 227 dwellings (between 204 and 250 dwellings) on the Reserve Land to The West of Phase 1 at Kilnwood Vale.
A detailed Planning Application for Construction of a new access from Calvert Link has also been made. Both applications were submitted on 6th November 2017 and have been validated by Horsham District Council.
The Horsham District Council Planning Application Reference is: DC/17/2481. Full details and related Planning documents can be found here
The Reserve Land Design and Access Statement
Landscaping and play areas
All of the green amenity areas will be handed over to the management company once they’re completely finished. Preim will be working with all home builders to help ensure that there are minimal issues following handover. The Green Infrastructure Plan can be viewed here
Bus Service
We are delighted to announce that the existing No. 200 bus service, operated by Metrobus, has been diverted into Kilnwood Vale. Please visit our dedicated Travel pages to find out more information about travel choices at Kilnwood Vale.
Railway Station
Crest Nicholson continue to lobby local MP’s and other key stakeholders around the promotion of a new railway station for Kilnwood Vale.