Preim Update: Steering Committee Meeting, March 2021

Dear Residents

Preim understands that there may have been some confusion surrounding a recent steering committee meeting and that this was an estate wide residents meeting. To confirm the Kilnwood Vale Management Company Ltd (KWVMCL) has not held an annual meeting in 2020. An online presentation was due to be issued in December/January, however due to COVID-19 restrictions in place over this period and beyond, Preim were unable to record this. A presentation or meeting will take place in 2021 depending on the how and when the COVID-19 restrictions are further eased.

The Steering Committee meeting held was to discuss and agree how to re-start the committee and to incorporate new members for recently built and occupied parts of the KWV development. The committee will start to meet on a regular basis and the committee will be the representatives for the wider KWV community. Items that are currently being reviewed with the committee are communication methods with the wider community, and the role of the committee and how this relates to the management company. The meeting held on Tuesday 30th March 2021 was an initial committee meeting to review where the committee was in terms of members and how best to move it forwards.

One of the agreed actions was that Preim would issue a statement via the community website, to also be posted on the Facebook page, clarifying the purpose of the meeting held on the 30th March. Preim would then issue a letter to the whole development asking if there are any residents who would like to join the steering committee. This letter will be issued later this week.
Notes from the meeting can also be found here.

Should you have any queries then please contact myself via the Preim Ltd helpdesk.

Simon New
KWVMCL Preim Customer Account Manager