Preim – KWVMCL Development Update
Preim will be using the KWVMCL Community Website to issue development updates, developer meeting notes, any relevant updates and community events. This will be uploaded onto the KWV Facebook pages so residents should be able to access the content.
There will still be management company information and service charge correspondence issued via email and post, however the KWVMCL website will allow all other content to be stored, be accessible for residents and the information can be shared quicker.
Please see the below Preim Management Company Update.
Management Company Works
The management company landscaping contractor, Whiting’s, have started their winter planting works around KWV. The phases being worked upon are predominantly on Phases 1&2, as the newer phases on Phase 3 will be reviewed for the next planting scheme. The main replanting areas are marked on the below plan, the red squares are showing the areas being planted and barked over the next few weeks:
Alongside this the landscaping team will be barking a lot of shrub beds across all areas that have been handed over to the KWVMCL. Once the planting has been completed it will be reviewed and if any other areas require planting then it will be booked into the 2023 maintenance schedule.
Below are some photos of the planting works that have already started this month.
General Landscaping
Residents will note a lot of the grass has been long. Unfortunately, the weather during November and parts of December was warmer than we have had in previous years and this subsequently encouraged a lot of growth. The grass however was too wet and the team were instructed to not cut the grass as it would only cause water ruts, large clumps of cuttings and leave the areas looking worse.
January /February – the team will be working on shrub beds, planting and barking. If we have a dry period the team will cut the grass, however if it remains wet it will not be cut until the ground is firm enough. The team are monitoring this weekly and as soon as grass can be cut without causing damage it will be.
Handovers/Developer Works
Alongside the developer update CNSo have agreed for as number of areas to be rectified by Whiting’s, at Crest’s cost, to get these finished and handed over. The areas are marked in red on below plan, the key with the details for each section are below the plan.
- Topsoil and seed across the verges on Calvert Link
- Clearing of the verges still to be developed
- Weeds to be cleared from the school verges and bark mulch to be added
- Topsoil and seed across areas on the Knoll where the grass has not taken fully
- Ph 3 Basin Works – All landscaping to be resolved. Area will be levelled with topsoil, areas seeded, weeds removed, build rubble removed and then maintained once it has taken
- Developer verges to be cleared and kept free of weeds and long growth
Phase Handovers
Preim will be meeting with CNSo to finalise Phase 2C, 3A & 3B handovers in February, to resolve hardstanding works, streetlights, bollard lights and tree replanting.
Taylor Wimpey Phases
TW had instructed for a streetlighting survey to be completed across both of their phases as Preim are refusing handover until all proof of works has been provided. TW confirmed that out of over 100 streetlights their contractors found over 50 defects ranging from cabling issues to feeder pillar connections. Works have been on-going and there are still further works to be completed, once there are updated timescales from the TW contractors a post will be issued.
Preim appreciate that the lighting issues have been on-going for a couple of years now on this phase, however the correct approach is that TW pay for the defects and ensure all assets are working before it is handed over to the management company. Had Preim accepted handover two years ago then these repairs and defects would have been covered via the service charge when the issue is that these have not been installed correctly.